Prototype fighting game image showing mechanic iteration using placeholder assets


A bit about me:

My name is Artavan. My friends call me Art or Maj.

Fighting games led me to combat design back in 2011, and i stuck around for the same reason in both cases: passionate people continually raising the bar and making each other better. (Also lots of cool weirdos in both communities.)

I don’t know if game design is a positive force in the world, but it’s an interesting job most days. On the plus side, games can make people happy, and happiness can be a kind of power too.

I don’t know if anyone’s keeping score, but i think the only criteria that matters in the end is this: Have your actions distributed power among more people or consolidated it among fewer?

Openly sharing knowledge generally falls into the first category, so i’m giving this a shot. Posts and responses will likely be infrequent. Stay tuned if you enjoy staying tuned!

Obligatory socials i mostly ignore: Linkedin | Youtube